Neon Moire Show

XXXVIII — Matthew Haynes, The Design Conference



Episode 38 of the Neon Moiré Show is with conference organizer Matthew Haynes. For over a decade he organizes the Brisbane-based The Design Conference. This year he is back for the first full hybrid design conference in Australia after the pandemic. In this episode, we talk about organizing a conference after COVID, pivoting to hybrid, live streaming and combining the two for a full 360 immersive experience. The Design Conference takes place on 16, 17, 18 June. You can attend In-Person or Stream Live this event for creatives. TDC navigates more than the future of design — but questions what design means in the hearts and minds of the worlds best creative leaders. By being transparent and vulnerable, TDC engineers an experience that will move, motivate and connect you with a path to a balanced future. Save 40% on your ticket using promo code Neon Moire on check out