Center Point Assembly

Jude - Learning from History - Audio



Sunday, June 6, 2021 – The title for today’s message could either be: “Learning from History” or “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish”. Either one fits as we continue our study on Jude. We are now getting into the meat of the Word of God as Jude begins to describe the way God feels about false teachers and prophets and the judgment that awaits them. But there are some positive things we can learn from the mistakes of the past. If we learn from them we will avoid the same negative and punishing consequences they experience. One of the biggest deceptions of the enemy comes thru the temptation to live by our “FEELINGS” and not by the truth of God’s Word that often challenges our feelings. It’s only as we read and study God’s Word can we have godly counsel and wisdom to learn that our feelings will lead us to death and destruction as they lead others before us that gave in to their fleshly feelings. Study alo