Sharon Kleyne Hour

"Overcoming Hunger, Disease and Poverty... with Water"



Ted Kuepper, REM (Oxnard, CA), Executive Director of Global Water, a non-profit international humanitarian organization, discusses Global Water's mission to create safe water supplies, sanitation facilities and related health programs for rural villagers in developing countries. Founded in 1982, Global Water's strategy is to provide permanent solutions to a region's water needs by providing appropriate equipment to secure, purify, and store water for domestic and agricultural purposes, as well as drill new water wells. For additional information, please visit Second guest, Art Bernstein (Gold Hill, OR), naturalist and author, discusses the world's deepest canyon, the Tsangpo Gorge in Tibet and India. Sandwiched between a 25,000 foot mountain and a 23,000 foot mountain, the Tsangpo River, within a 150 mile stretch, drops from an elevation of 10,000 feet to 1,000 feet, creating the gorge's depth of at least 13,000 feet and possibly as much as 24,000 feet.