Employer Branding Podcast

The Gradual Decline of Twitter, with James Tozer of The Economist



Twitter, the social network that offers real time updates and requires brevity, is no longer growing. How did this happen and what should Twitter do to get back on even keel? I’ve spoken to James Tozer of The Economist to find out. Questions for James: Tell us about The Economist and what you do there? Twitter - give us the backstory and the main reasons people use it? What problems is Twitter suffering from? Should marketers dial down their investment in the platform before it turns into a ghost town like Google+? What should Twitter do to turn their fortune around? What does the future hold for Twitter in particular and social media in general? You’re speaking at #smlondon LIVE! On 9 Nov, what can the audience expect from you on the day? Where can people connect with you? And don't miss the data analyst joke at the very end. James Tozer is speaking at #smlondon LIVE on Nov 9th - get your ticket here: http://socialmedialondon.co.uk Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/linkhumanspodcast All podcast artic