Cinemantics: A Podcast About Film, Tv And Beer.

Episode 217: Godzilla vs Kong (2021) - Northern Brewer & Founders Brewing



In episode 217, Tony & Eddie discuss the new new newest (or whatever) rendition of a large ape fighting a large lizard, aka Godzilla vs Kong (2021). There have been something like 30 of these films (more?) over the years. There was a lot of hype surrounding this one, and some others in this most recent franchise. Going into a film like this, we're expecting big CGI fights, destruction and ... heart? Does this film deliver on more than that? Is there compelling characters and plot lines? Tune in to see if the boys think so. The boys also had two new beers of course. Tony sampled a beer that Eddie had previously on the show from Founders called, Panther Cub. Eddie brings his newest homebrew to this episode - a Bell's Two Hearted clone.