Center Point Assembly

Time to Double Down - Audio



Sunday, March 14, 2021 - The title of today's message is "Time to Double Down". We are diverting for the day from our study on 2 Peter because today at the end of our service we are having our annual business meeting and this message is what the Lord would have us speak about as we are preparing for that meeting. As a church, these kinds of meetings are always good opportunities to evaluate where we've been, where we're going, and who and what we are in the moment. Looking around, it's easy to see the many challenging things that are against us as a church, both in the church and in the environment we're living in. I think you all probably know exactly what I'm talking about. So as I was praying about this, two words came to my mind, and I believe they were from the Holy Spirit - "Double Down"... This is the time to "Double Down" on everything that is in God's Word for Christians to hold on to today. It's not the time to grow weary or question one's faith and give up!! There is too much to talk about h