Song Of The Soul

Punk, Meditation & Healing: Erin Incoherent



Erin Incoherent's music comes straight out of the punk-rock world, though it maybe has drifted also into the folk-punk genre. Whatever the name, whatever the genre, the music is beautiful, the lyrics are moving, and Erin is, herself, a vibrant, deep soul and wonderful songwriter. With songs that capture pain & dysfunction, but also insight & healing, Erin leads the way to a more conscious & compassionate world. Erin's latest release, Dj Vu emerged as Erin was finding grounding through meditation and conscious living. Check out Erin's main site & store for more info & supplies. All featured music is written and performed by Erin Incoherent: The End of the World (Again) [featuring Minka] - released as a single Of Roaches & Roommates - from Dj Vu - watch the video with interviews & song, and checkout Operation In My Backyard The Plan - from Dj Vu Medusa - from Medusa Disturbia Suburbia - from Medusa Static - not yet released