Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

The Robot Society – Do You Have What it Takes to Live “Out of Context?”



  IT ALL BEGAN WITH A SLICE OF CHEESE! This is what inspired this piece (or slice) of reality observation! More on that in a moment. But let me first share a quick story which began to open my eyes to just how much many people on this planet are living within a scripted or robotic reality. Some years ago I sat on the board of directors of a prominent women’s business organization. Comprised of a powerhouse of intelligent, professional business savvy women (and men) this was, and I’m sure still is, a community of go-getters and change makers in their chosen fields. One women whom I had gotten to know through our quarterly meetings, I found to be quite chatty and friendly. During one of our post meeting chats, we discovered we lived in the same town, of which she and her family had recently moved. Several weeks later we had attended a spring church service just a short drive from our home. After the service had ended, as we were exiting the church, I noticed this woman. Eager to say hello and welcome her