Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Sharon Millstein – 2019 Numerology Forecast – What’s in Store?



https://youtu.be/aKnhYP3tVow 2019 promises to be a year full of possibilities. The numbers don't lie says renowned numerologist Sharon Millstein Numerology is an age old form of divination, using a pattern of numbers to decipher our reality, both present and future. Each year, we welcome back well known numerologist Sharon Millstein to give us her take on what the New Year will reveal in terms of the number it represents. As we move into a "3 year" (You get that number by adding up the total of the year 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 and boiling it down to a single digit), Sharon says we will be moving into an intense year of creativity. But is that a bad or a good thing? I suppose it would depend on how those creative forces are being used. As we've said many times, we are on the precipice of great change and Sharon's feeling is that the numbers continue to reveal that BIG ONE is right on the cusp. Sharon also reveals how we can best utilize the strength of any given year by understanding our own personal numbers. She g