Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Simultaneous Time and the Gift of Reflection



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDbr6SppjFk It was Consfucius who said, “Study the past if you would define the future.” Wise words worth contemplating in a world steeped in reaction. So-much-so that rarely do we partake in the sacred act of reflection. In this episode of Conscious Commentary, I muse about the gifts that often go unnoticed but are at the ready to be procured from our past if we take the time to reflect. Based on my book Conscious Musings - Contemplations to Transform Life and Realize Potential, we observe how reflecting on events that have happened to us, perhaps many years ago, can serve as a powerful tool to create the present we really desire. Now, that's a gift! By taking ourselves back to the past in order to see our lives from a different perspective, might we be tapping just a little bit of the Higher Self? Further, is past really past if all time (past, present, future) is simultaneous? Let's Muse!! Get Conscious Musings - Contemplations to Transform Life and Realize Potential