Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Alan Stivelman – A Conversation with the Creator of Witness of Another World



Witness of Another World is not your "typical" alien abduction documentary. The film's creator explains why... https://youtu.be/Op_T3kUw6HA Many who are curious, even enamored about the idea of UFOs and extraterrestrial life are searching for an answer. Do they exist? Are we alone? And if not, when will we know the truth? These questions may elude us because maybe we’re asking the wrong questions. Maybe the real question is, what IS this phenomenon, and, more importantly, what does it have to do with US? In my recent talk with filmmaker Alan Stivelman creator of the new documentary Witness of Another World - we get a peak into the deeper implications of contact through the eyes of an experiencer named Juan Perez who at 12 years old had an encounter that would rock his world for decades and maybe even SAVE his life! Witness of Another World is not your TYPICAL ET contact story! This is an instinctive look into the human condition, our potential, and how a contact experience, regardless of how disturbing the en