Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

What happened to the "Science!"



Live at 4pm PT on the boze Noze Show Lane County is being kept in the extreme risk category by our overlords at OHA and the governor's office. Despite the fact that 33% of our recent cases deprived from a tiny geographic area of our County known as the University of Oregon. We are vaccinating 30-year-old employees ahead of 80-year-old seniors. What happened to "Science!." We can also talk about gas, carbon and other sciency things ...just call us at 646-721-9887 The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online (just click the picture below) or on your phone by calling 646-721-9887. Just press "1" if you want to join the conversation. If you can't make the live show and you have a question or comment the Jay Bozievich, send him an e-mail at NOW also broadcasting thru Facebook Live on the KRBN Internet News Talk Radio page!