Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Winter storms without natural gas



Live Wednesday at 4 PM Pacific time – it sounds unthinkable to rely totally on electricity and to get rid of natural gas which is what Eugene is actually considering following AOC's in the Biden administration's "Green new deal" to reduce carbon and of course, reduce some more green in our wallets. Imagine that you're in Texas right along with millions of Texans who were in a rolling blackout due to winter storms and you are totally 100% reliant on electricity. Part of the reason why there is no electricity is because the windmills are frozen but the technician can't get to the windmills to go fix them because there's no electricity to charge your electric car or service vehicle. People are doing anything they can stay warm and then of course there is always that one person who goes against the grain, still drives a gasoline car, has a gasoline generator, several bottles of propane kicking back in their nice warm house watching satellite TV. Still want to get rid of the natural gas? So we'll talk about t