Hello Life Academy

32 - Build a list, get the money, here's how to build a list of people who want your products.



Every entrepreneur NEEDS a list, but so many of us just focus so much on putting content out into the world and find we never have any "leads".  It's time to start building up a line up outside of your store so you always have leads.  In this episode I talk all about how you can collect information from your audience,  so you can make sure to stay in touch with them outside of social media. It's time to get OFF social media and dive into your marathon list building.  Some key points in this episode:  LIST BUILDING = core foundation of building ANY business. Your audience wants to ‘binge’ consume just like Netflix…aka have LOTS of content like blogs, podcasts, youtube videos. Within that content ask them for their EMAIL address in exchange for giving them MORE information Its a marathon - slow and steady…put yourself out there consistently Collect PHONE numbers, EMAILS, home addresses = get people OFF of social media and onto your LIST, even if it's on paper - whatever you have