Something Like, But Not Quite

These Are The Breaks



This week, Ki and Forest catch up and discuss a new lockdown in Australia, the complete lack of response in Florida, the unemployment boost and other protections running out, Tenet getting pushed back indefinitely, JW Lucas' hot take on Breonna Taylor, Noname's critique of Beyonce, Bobby Brown claiming credit for showing MJ how to moonwalk, the Megan Thee Stallion/Tory Lanez situation and the fallout, Mackenzie Scott major donations to HBCUs, Covid 19 effecting the economy and schools, the Jamaican Supreme Court upheld banning children dreadlocs, Herman Cain dying of Covid 19, Louie Gohmert spreading Covid, Stella Immanuel, Trump dogwhistling, more post office shenanigans, the vp-stakes, Obama's eulogy for John Lewis, and Black is King.