Revolution Catholic

Are Catholics the Maccabees of the 21st Century?



Not only is the Catholic Church surrounded by the enemies of God. Some of the members of our Church leadership have conspired or purposely pushed an agenda of self desire. This weeks episode will compare and contrast faithful Catholics to the Maccabee family of the Old Testament. The world has gone mad with the attempt to suppress our Catholic faith. Since when  has it become taboo or socially  unexcitable to say "Merry Christmas". How is it that the world is completely against our lifestyle of Holiness while celebrating evil? Is the world pressuring us to change to its ways? The same from within the Church walls. Are the Catholic elite in bed with the enemies of this world? Are those Catholic leaders who are unfaithful to the  Church teachings setting the faithful up for destruction? This episode will discuss how faithful Catholics are like the Maccabees for the 21st century. How our revolt against evil and agenda will triumph in the name of our defender, who is God. We will answer such questions as How c