Employer Branding Podcast

Employee Advocacy: It's a Methodology, not a Tool, with Elizabeth Jurewicz of Rackspace



Employee advocacy isn’t a tool, it’s a methodology. You what now? To understand more, I’ve spoken to Elizabeth Jurewicz of the the managed cloud computing company that is Rackspace. Questions of Liz: Tell us about Rackspace and what you do there? Employee advocacy - what prompted Rackspace to launch the program in the beginning? What problems were you looking to solve? What types of content do you distribute to employees? What has garnered the most attention/engagement? What have been the main benefits for the company? the employees? What would you have done differently in hindsight? Have you found employees that are active members of the program to be more informed/engaged? How are you measuring success? What have the results been? What metrics are you tying back to actual ROI? What’s next for EA at Rackspace and employee advocacy in general? Where can our listeners learn more about Rackspace and yourself? Read the podcast show-notes: http://linkhumans.com/podcast Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/lin