Colorado A-list

Episode 32-The Keys to Success with RemoteLock



From creating the first Wi-Fi controlled smart lock to inventing the first universal access control platform - RemoteLock is setting the standard for how real estate professionals can kiss keys goodbye and stay in control of who comes and goes on their properties; from anywhere in the world. Listen as CEO, Nolan Mondrow describes the surfeit of applications for their universal access control platform, including remote access and locking technology in the real estate industry. One of the hurdles that the industry faced was assuring customers that the technology was secure. However, as Nolan explains, RemoteLock uses the same level of internet security that banks use to protect the money in our accounts, where most of us accede without much hesitation. And RemoteLock’s universal access control platform is extremely user friendly, empowering clients and their team to make access control a central element of their business operations with ease. Note: Industry Alchemist is working to mitigate the spread of COVID-1