Iron Lounge Radio

Episode 12 If I Could Turn Back Time w/The Crew



Episode 12 of Iron Lounge Radio brings you a roundtable discussion with Coach Dan, CJ Suyak of XN Supps, and Dr. RJ Burr of Reach Rehab Chiro. We spend an hour bullshitting about what we do differently OR add to our lives earlier from an educational, business, and personal perspective.Coach Dan talks about how structure and discipline are a must to have the freedom that you want in life learned through a little roadblock that he got himself into and out of. We hope you all enjoy this episode and don't forget to visit our sites:www.inflowacademy.comwww.xnsupps.comwww.reachchiro.comThe grams:@coachdanmethods@xnsupps@reachrehabchiro