Iron Lounge Radio

Episode 23 Part 2 of 2 w/ Jim Kielbaso



In episode 23 part 2 of 2, you can expect to hear us chat it up about the following:-you’re know as a “speed guy”, when did that start to become something you got tagged as?-with there being a lot of gimmicks out there in this heavy age of social media, what exactly is speed training? What isn’t?-Where should coaches start with learning speed training?-What are some common misconceptions with speed training?-talking with you, you know a lot more about training than just the speed side of things; what are some of the big rocks of the training programs that you design for athletes? -you see a lot of coaches who train youth athletes and “subscribe” to LTAD playing games. That said, some may or may not be implementing them properly. What are your thoughts on this? Where might coaches be going wrong?-At what age do you feel it’s appropriate to be teaching kids how to lift?-What aspect or aspects of coaching do you see new coaches lacking the most in currently? What advice do you have on correcting that?-What advic