Witches On Wine

Isn't It time To Change The Way Our Country Is Run?



So you sawy you want a revolution? But exactly how does that happen?  Do you know?  I know I don't know.  Russell Brand seems to get it, but he never tells us what we should do to make the change.  How do we start in our own communities?  Did you know the government in Ireland paid $80 million dollars to a consultant to help bring clean water to their people?  And did you also know, that they were already doing that?  So instead those folks had to pay between 200-600 a year for their water, depending on your household size?  Why not give them water with that money that you took?  How is corruption in government addressed?  Why does it seem the only people getting heard by our officials, are corporations and the wealthy?  So, I'm sort of calling Russell Brand out to not only continue telling his Trewes but offering suggestions on making changes in our own governments locally.  We want to help, but we're not as educated as we'd like to be.