Empowering Motherhood

Do you need to unwind and untangle your busy life?



Discover the secret to unwinding and untangling your busy mind and busy life.  Women are paritcularly "wound up" these days which only ends up one way - anxiety, insomnia, loss of connection with your knowing and who you really are.  Darshna Siva, Yoga Teacher and Energy Healer joins me for one of the hotest topics for women in the 21st Century - and one of my absolute passions.  This is a no frills, straight shooting conversation about Darshan's own journey from wound up Corporate to peaceful yogi."Why are we so depleted? ... We have to ask ourselves, why are we doing this to ourselves?"  Darshana SivaShow notes:The need for more restorative time where you can unwind, rest and be creative.How can you re-tap into your empowered self?What's happening when you feel we are being unravelled and unpicked by the universe.Why you need to practice allowing youself to to flow with your intutitive self.What happens when you let go and stop looking?What is energy and consiousness and how an this help you find more peace