Mosaic Of Art - George Fishman

MOSAIC OF ART - Episode 39; April 3, 2011



A fateful series of fruitful sessions with Andy Warhol and other illustrious Pop artists at the brink of their fame has served as a calling card for WILLIAM JOHN KENNEDY's photographic production, but he has been a prolific, highly talented and successful artist before and since. In this episode of the Mosaic of Art, Kennedy shares stories from this fertile period of his life. LOUIS CANALES, creative director of Miami's Kiwi Arts Group, agents for Bill Kennedy and publishers of a major new collection of work from the 1960s, joins us with his expertise on the forces at work during this critical "changing of the guard." Also on Sunday's show, pastel artist, TOM WEINKLE. I think that one of the things that makes pastels unique is the way that the color reacts with the surface you're working. While if you're painting, you're usually holding a brush or some other implement between you, and it's basically just a bigger distance... I felt like pastel gave me a much greater connection with what I wanted to do and say