Nerdy Black Chicks - Archived Episodes

They're Doin' the Most



(Intro) Boughetto has a struggle kitchen moment.  Lavinia shares her kitchen creation. (13:00) Ya Ya Dacosta to play Whitney Houston in upcoming LifeTime TV biopic.  (19:45)  Blu Ivy-gate.  Nappy-gate.  Cant' a Toddler live?  Boughetto coins "Creole Denial".  (35:00)  Love & Hip Hop's Stevie J arrested for owing $1M in back child support.  (43:30) Black folks and their creative funeralizing situations.  (50:45)  New reality tv hot sleezy messes, "Preacher's Exes" and Mona Scotts Black college Greek life show.  (59:00)  Justin Beiber gets baptized by hipster NY pastor in a hotel bathroom.  (1:04:15)  Quick revisit to the Pastor These Hoes Aint Loyal story.  After hearing the entire message, are their opinions changed?  (1:08:15)  The GOP wants to go back into Iraq.  (1:10:45)  Lavinia's side bar: There aren't enough summer programs available to kids due to budget cuts.  (1:12:15)  The Arsenio Hall show is cancelled...again.  (1:15:00)  Little Bill's Alice the Great (voiced by Ruby Dee) passed away.  RIP Qu