Venture Stories

Building a Company in Preventive Healthcare with Jonathan Gheller



Erik is joined by Jonathan Gheller (@jgheller), founder of OneFix. Jonathan is a former product manager at Facebook and aims to use that experience to create retentive, easy-to-use products that create lasting behavior change. OneFix helps people eat better through a team of individuals who provide personalized support.Jonathan talks about why preventable disease is such a big problem in the US today and the types of conditions like heart disease, stroke and diabetes that are entirely preventable, yet cause one in three deaths in the US. He explains why he decided to create a startup in the healthcare industry and why he chose nutrition as an area to focus on. He also talks about the healthcare industry more broadly, including the misalignment of incentives between the parties involved, and why the industry does very well at acute care but not preventive care. He runs through what a prospective founder should think about when deciding what to work on in the health space and some of his requests for startups i