Employer Branding Podcast

How to Boost Your Employee Advocacy Program, with Mikael Lauharanta of Smarp



Why is employee advocacy important to your organisation? According to the Finnish employee advocacy service Smarp, there are 6 clear benefits of employee advocacy: - Increase your reach by up to 10x more than a company's corporate social channels. - Build trust, an employee advocate is trusted twice as much as a CEO. Save costs, employee shares generate on average 4 clicks on Facebook. - Engage your employees, 50%+ of employees rank communication and honesty as key factors to drive engagement. - Succeed in recruiting, one third of companies see decreased time to hire, about half find an increase in quality of candidates and 43% in quantity of candidates. - Generate sales, 12% increase in brand advocacy generates a 2x increase in revenue growth. Leads from employee advocacy are 7x more likely to convert. Read the full interview with Smarp's COO Mikael Lauharanta: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/mikael-lauharanta-smarp-employee-advocacy