Employer Branding Podcast

Building Employer Brand and an Inclusive Tech Workplace, with Chrissy Thornhill of Salesforce



A leading member of Salesforce’s employer brand team shares how this award-winning workplace is embracing inclusivity, talent challenges, and the disruptions of 2020. Chrissy Thornhill is Global Senior Manager of Employer Brand and Recruitment at Salesforce. Chrissy Thornhill on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrissythornhill/ Chrissy Thornhill on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chrissyglo Follow @SalesforceJobs on Instagram and across social media: https://www.instagram.com/salesforcejobs Connect with Salesforce on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/salesforce/ Subscribe to this podcast: https://employerbrandingpodcast.com Measure your employer brand: https://employerbrandindex.co Thanks for tuning in!