Cinemantics: A Podcast About Film, Tv And Beer.

Episode 200: A Charlie Brown Christmas & Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - New Trail Brewing



In a very special 200th episode, Tony & Eddie spend some time reflecting on their childhood Christmas film traditions. The choose some classics to review, A Charlie Brown Christmas & Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. They also talked about several favorite films, or beers from their 200 hundred episode run. They talk about some stinkers here too. The boys also made homemade eggnog to sample and there's of course new brews. In a miracle Christmas move - the boys ended up selecting the same beer for this week's episode. New Trail's milkshake IPA called Holiday Cookie Hazy IPA. This vanilla and lactose infused IPA was something to behold. Stick around for the reviews at the end of the show.