Seeing Color

Episode 24: The 360 Degree Rule (w/ Christiane Dolores)



Hey y'all. I hope everyone is doing well. I don't have too much new news these days, although I have a whole bunch of interesting people I have lined up to interview in the coming months. Although you may not hear them until a few months later given my slow bi-weekly releases. I sometimes wonder if I should release my podcast weekly instead of bi-weekly, but I'm not sure if I can do that much work, as I'm even finding bi-weekly somewhat difficult. Sometimes I wished I had a co-host to help spread the work. Anyway, for today, I am speaking with Christiane Dolores, a multi-disciplinary artist, writer, and musician. Her practice is driven by pursuing questions about our shared humanity as well as her personal histories as a first generation mixed-race American. Christiane also helps local Pittsburgh artists out through her work as an artist relations coordinator at the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. Lastly, Christiane is a member of the notwhite collective, a group of bi/multi-racial women artists who investig