Comic Lab

Hashing out hashtags, online gag comics and update schedules



Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar answer a wide variety of questions submitted by Patreon backers, such as: Are gag comics sustainable on the Web? We'll ask Dave, who has been doing a gag comic for 20 years. Also... How can I use hashtags more effectively? How many updates do I need to build a readership? How can I keep up my energy at conventions? And... Doctor, does this Winkerbean look Funky to you? But first, Dave has moved into his new house, and his high-speed internet connection... isn't. Show notes 8:00 — Are gag comics sustainable on the Web? 26:11 — Using hashtags more effectively 39:14 — What is the minimum update schedule required to build an audience 52:05 —Keeping up your energy at comic conventions Great rewards when you support ComicLab $2 — support the show $5 — submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast $10 — record an audio question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast $50 — Sponsor the show! We’ll read a brief promo for y