Comic Lab

Comics awards, pen names and warm-up sketches



The Eisner Award nominations were announced, and there's a lot to talk about! Then it's on to questions from our Patreon backers. In a social-media landscape that favors branding the creators themselves over their creations, it it OK to have a pen name? And what's the best approach to warm-up sketches? BUT FIRST... Brad hit a monster pothole on a winding Philadelphia thoroughfare, rupturing the tire, forcing him to pull over on a road with no shoulder and wait for AAA Roadside Assistance for over an hour as cars swerved around the curve, narrowly missing collision after collision. And it was his in-laws' car. Show notes 0:00 — Brad hits a pothole in his in-laws' car 10:56 — There are now 5½ hours of ProTips! 13:02 — Dave's recording in his closet. And getting no respect. 13:51 — mini-review — the Orbi mesh wifi system  15:13 — Drunk ComicLab is coming! 17:35 — Brad does a podcast and gets interrupted repeatedly. 18:47 — Eisner Award nominations 33:33 — The Hugo Awards 35:41 — Warm-up sketches 38:00 — Doing p