Comic Lab

“Muaauughhh, the French… champagne…”



Webcomics weirdos Dave Kellett and Brad Guigar are talking comics! When a Patreon backer hits the viral jackpot, they wonder if it wasn’t fool’s gold. This turns into a discussion of smart online marketing, how publishing religious content is like posting NSFW comics, and one overarching theme — social media isn’t about generating Buzz so much as it’s about building Community. Then, the boys talk about getting a publisher excited about comics, and finally, those sentimental things we hold onto that we should probably let go. BUT FIRST, “Muaauughhh, the French… champagne…” Show notes 00:00 — Orson Welles stumbles through a Paul Mason wine commercial blitzed off his keister. 09:48 — It’s illegal to run a raffle on Patreon… unless you do it this way. 18:10 — Going viral… is it “fool’s gold”? 22:40 — If your promotion isn’t clickable, it’s useless 24:46 — Frequent/Consistent/Significant still plays a role in today’s webcomics publishing 28:19 — Posting cartoons about divisive topics will have significant consequ