Comic Lab

What do you want to be remembered for?



This episode of ComicLab is sponsored by Wacom! In this week's show, the guys talk about the long paths they took to become full-time cartoonists. Then, they look at the importance of livestreaming, and share some tips on doing that well. Next, a question-asker asks what Dave and Brad want to be remembered for. Finally, a cartoonist writes to say that they are their own worst booth barnacle! How can they stop doing that? BUT FIRST... Remember that lady who showed up to San Diego Comic Con INSISTING that Dave start exhibiting at sci-fi conventions? Well, somehow she found her way into Brad's studio while they were taping, and she has a message for Dave. And she brought a piano. QUESTIONS ASKED... How long was it before you went full time? I stink at livestreaming — help! What do you want to be remembered for? I kee barnacling myself. How do I stop? You get great rewards when you support ComicLab $2 —Early access to episodes $5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips po