Comic Lab

Setting an emotional hook



Today's show is brought to you by Wacom — makers of the incredible Wacom One! As a follow-up to our conversation about writing a strong beginning to your story, we've discussed the benefits of beginning a story in media res. But action, action and more action isn't going to do the trick alone. So today we're talking about another aspect of a a strong opening — setting an emotional hook!Questions asked and topics covered...Setting an emotional hookIra Glass' essay "The Gap" has us discussing the importance of developing your aestheticWhen's the right time to start a Patreon? New challenges with successYou get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon$2 — Early access to episodes$5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast$10 — Record an audio question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast$50 — Sponsor the show! We’ll read a brief promo for your comic/product and read it twice during the show AND you get the exclusive