Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Being the Golden Melody ~ Guest Shakti Kee Maya



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show  A big warm welcome to my extremely magical friend Shakti Kee Maya on today’s show. Shakti is a badass question mage and I can’t wait to see what our conversation will create in your and our own worlds! Living Your Magic changes your frequency and opens the doors from misfortune to rewriting your future and creating a flow of great fortune. How does one go about creating a future that makes your heart sing? What simple steps help you change your luck? How can you be the golden melody that creates your life? Join us on Musical Magic with Elfy Jo to find out how to use and tune your inner golden melody to create the changes you are looking for in your life.    Shakti is an International Facilitator of Magnitude. She is bringing change around the globe dynamically. As a Certified FMM (F*ing Miracle Maker) with outstanding capacities, she taps into the root of consciousness unwinding, untangling and creating new possibilities and accessing the creative codes for both your per