Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Let the Music Move You ~ Guest, Keisha Clark



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show We know music makes you want to move your body - and - What if music could move you to a whole new way of experiencing your life?  My guest Keisha Clark embarked on a creative musical journey, bringing her song Global Embrace into the world earlier this year.  It has been an adventure that brought a lot of new experiences and perspectives into her personal life.  What possibilities could music open up to and for you, if you would allow it? Join Elfy Jo and Keisha for this week’s show as they explore more possibilities of creating with Music. Keisha Clark is an Intuitive Medium, Therapeutic Bodyworker, Animal Communicator, Radio Show Host, Author and Inspirational Speaker.  She invites, inspires and empowers people to shift their perspective and shatter their limitations, beginning with her challenge to “Stop asking your life to make sense!” Find Global Embrace, here - Find Keisha on Facebook ~ E