Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Inspired Decluttering ~ Guest: Junaline Bañez-Moussi



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show What are the spaces and places in your life that could use some decluttering? What if you can make decluttering fun? How much inspiration can decluttering add to your life? Join Elfy Jo and Junaline this week for a completely new conversation about decluttering your life! There might also be musical magic combined with energy pull magic occurring, but you’ll just have to tune in (teehee) for that! Junaline Bañez-Moussi is an international Transformational Coach, a creative, an entrepreneur and a humanitarian. She helps men and women find inspiration and clarity in their lives by empowering them to BE, to choose and create more of the life they love. Born in the Philippines, raised in Canada, lived and worked in countries as diverse as Mexico, Japan, Oman and now Lebanon, Junaline is your down-to-earth ambassador of what it means to be a true global citizen. She thrives in all kinds of communities, and as a result has enriched her relationship with herself and the world. H