Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Music and Magical Tools to Write With ~ Guest Marian Gutierrez



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show What are your tools of creation? Do you wield sword, pen, keyboard, paintbrush or yarn to create? What other tools might be available to contribute to you and your creations? Join Elfy Jo and Marian as they delve into a treasure trove of magical tools of creation and share their favorite ones with you! Born a witch, Marian has been playing around with energies and creation since before she knew what the word "energy" meant. A master of many trades, she has focused her creation skills on everything from writing to cooking to healing, Tarot reading and coaching, combining different "disciplines" and techniques that make her creations uniquely her own. She is currently working on several new novels and classes. ~ More about Musical Magic with Elfy Jo ~  Do you enjoy music? Is music something you enjoy rocking to in your car or in the shower? Do you happen to play an instrument? Or are you wishing yo