Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Dancing Dragon Magic ~ Guest: Susan James



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show Did you know that dragons love to dance? They do!! Susan James has created a book called Dancing Dragon Magic: Insight Journal. I say “created” because Dancing Dragon Magic is much more than a journal. It is a journey with our dragon friends in all shapes and sizes! Join Susan and me as we explore the magic of dancing dragons. Susan Smith James is an author, potter, and artist who lives on a farm in southern New Jersey. She spent many years as an award-winning, full-time potter and found that the responsibilities of raising her two sons and caring for the farm, with her husband, took up all of her time. Working in clay became more of a wish than an actuality. When her youngest son went off to college, she found that dragons were tapping on her shoulder, asking her to construct pots of them. After she had made several dragon pots, they began sharing their conversations with her, and the beginnings of "Dancing Dragon Magic: Dialogues in Clay", took shape. After the success