Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

激发自己 ~ Elfy Jo



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show 在这一集的Muscial Magic with Elfy Jo我们会探讨一下各种激发灵感的方法。激发灵感是让人生充满精彩的重要元素,这一点对于音乐家和艺术家来说尤为重要。Elfy Jo 会在这里和您们分享她在现实生活中如何不断获得灵感的例子。先小小的剧透一下:想要激发灵感的话您需要暂离您的练琴室。 ~ More about Musical Magic with Elfy Jo ~  Do you enjoy music? Is music something you enjoy rocking to in your car or in the shower? Do you happen to play an instrument? Or are you wishing you played an instrument? Have you ever noticed that music can makes everything in your life better? Are you curious about how it can bring more ease, more joy and more possibilities in to your life, body and play? On Musical Magic with Elfy Jo she explores the magic that music truly is and can be for you as well. Come play and enjoy a whole new world of possibilities.  AND have a whole lot fun while we are at it too! Here's some more info on Elfy Jo: Hi everyone! I’m originally a professional musician but these days I’m also a radio show host, a spokesperson for consciousness, a teacher, a healer and a lover of shenanigans. In all of my w