Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

The Rhythms of Life ~ Guest, Keisha Clark



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show Have you noticed the rhythms of your life?  Are you dancing to them, or with them?  Or maybe you feel like you have 'two left feet' when it comes to that?  What would make the rhythms of life more fun for you to play with, and create with?  Join Elfy Jo and her guest, Keisha Clark, for this week's exploration of Musical Magic - as 'the rhythms of life'! Keisha Clark is an Intuitive Energy Communicator, Sound Healer and Spiritual Visionary.  Drawing from decades of her experience as a Body & Spirit Whisperer, and her gifts of Music and Mysticism, she has mastered her ability to work simultaneously in the physical and non-physical realms.  Keisha works with people who are ready to shift out of linear living; and into consciously aligning with their Soul Essence and living it, every day. You can find more with Keisha at ~ More about Musical Magic with Elfy Jo ~  Do you enjoy music? Is music something you enjoy rocking to in your car or in the shower