Cinemantics: A Podcast About Film, Tv And Beer.

Episode 177: Vivarium? Damn Near Killed 'Em! - New Trail Brewing & DuClaw Brewing



In episode 177, Tony & Eddie review a title many of you may have missed last year. 2019's Vivarium is a creepy but shallow look into the world of domestic normalcy. Have you ever felt trapped in your own home? Isolated even though you're with your spouse or child almost 24 hours a day? Like every day is the same as the one that preceded it? Vivarium is all of that, and hints at more. This slow-burn sci-fi thriller will take those questions to the extreme. The boys also sampled two new beers of course. This week Tony tried another sour (is he becoming a fan?), this one from DuClaw. Eddie had a Baltic Porter from New Trail Brewing. Opposite ends of the spectrum here, but both these beers have something special to offer. Don't miss the reviews at the end of the episode.