Employer Branding Podcast

The Evolution of Employer Branding, with Claes Peyron



The benefits of a strong employer brand include lower employee turnover, lower cost per hire and increased job consideration by top talent. To do it successfully you need the right tools, skills and knowledge. To shed some insight on this I’ve spoken to Claes Peyron of our gracious sponsors the Employer Branding Academy. Questions for Claes: Tell us about your the Employer Branding Academy and what you do? Let’s start with the big question, why do we need employer branding? What’s the difference between employer branding and recruitment/HR marketing? What’s a step-by-step guide to success with employer branding? What’s the biggest pitfall you see companies doing? What sort of companies tend to have good employer brands? Which ones don’t? How have you seen employer branding evolving over the last few years? What are the current and upcoming trends for employer branding? Why is important for professionals to stay updated in this space? What employer brands inspire you and why? Where can we learn more abo