
The Natvral at Home



The Natvral is the newest project from rocker Kip Berman, who spent much of past decade heading up The Pains of Being Pure At Heart. In the past few years, he has shifted gears to make music in a way that feels right for right now - free from expectations. The Natvral’s first EP Know Me More, was released by Kanine in 2018, followed by 2019’s cover of Dear Nora’s “You Looked Like A Portrait.” Kip recently invited us into his Princeton, NJ home for a performance of three songs, and a wide ranging phone conversation with Maia. 00:00 - The Natvral at Home 02:57 - New Moon - The Natvral 06:04 - Conversation with The Natvral 17:22 - Sun Blisters 21:24 - Conversation with The Natvral 44:36 - Why Don’t You Come Out Anymore? 48:50 - Conversation with The Natvral 70:52 - Outro 71:44 - Finish