Center Point Assembly

Palm Sunday - Week of Godly Urgency - Audio



Pastor Mike explores the final week of the life of Jesus. The week begins with Jesus being ushered in as the "king of the Jews". The people called out Hosanna, Hosanna - meaning "Save Now", they were expecting Jesus to save them from the Roman rulers. However, Jesus came to set up his kingdom in the hearts of men and he was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus never lost his focus and never questioned his purpose, he understood what he was there to do. We can learn from his example in our life today as well. Jesus understood the urgency to accomplish everything he needed to in the last week of his earthly life. We as well must understand the urgency in our lives to also live a purpose driven and missional life to accomplish the will of God in our lives... Listen is as we learn more about the final week of Jesus' life....