Center Point Assembly

Lessons From a Sheep Dog - Intro and Lesson 1 "In The Wrong Hands" - Audio



Pastor Mike is beginning a series from a book written by Phillip Keller titled "Lessons From a Sheep Dog". Today he reads a good portion of the story and discusses Lesson 1 - In the Wrong Hands. This lesson focuses on Lass, the border collie being rescued from the wrong owner that doesn't understand Lass's true calling in life to be a working dog and thus sees her rambunctiousness as disobedience and is totally uncontrollable. She is destined for destruction if a new owner isn't found and ultimately rescues her. In a similar fashion we as people living in our flesh are also under the control and ownership of the "wrong" owner, Satan and are also destined for destruction unless we are purchased by a new owner, being Jesus Christ. Satan sees us only to destroy us, Jesus sees us as the potential He created us for, a restored relationship with Him and His Father through the power of the Holy Spirit... Come along with us on this journey of Lass, the Sheep Dog...