Cinemantics: A Podcast About Film, Tv And Beer.

Episode 156: Horrified Board Game - Knockin Noggin Cidery & Firestone Walker Brewing Company



In episode 156, the boys are back to giving you their take on a new board game from Ravensburger games, Horrified. Horrified is an easy to learn and easy to play romp through some very nostalgic monster based memories. In this co-op title, you'll battle against foes like Dracula, the creature from The Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Mummy. There's fun characters for you to choose to play as. There's interesting and creative win conditions for each monster, and there's enough variety here as a result to keep coming back to for a bit. The big win here is that this game is a great one for a family based fun night around the table. If you're interested in the full review, check out this week's episode. We also talk about two new brews of course. Tony brought a juicy IPS from Firestone and Eddie sampled a new cider from Knockin Noggin. There's something for everybody in episode 156, so give it a listen!