The Lead With Jake Tapper

Confirmed coronavirus cases surpass one million in the U.S.; One-on-one with Dr. Anthony Fauci; Governors move forward with reopening despite dire models; 



Dire new models show opening too early will kill thousands; Fauci: Coronavirus will come back, or never leave at all; Trump says he'll "have to check" if he was warned about virus in Jan, Feb briefings as Washington Post reported; WH testing plan puts most responsibility on states; Fauci: There has to be a " productive partnership" on testing among the Federal Government and the states; Fauci: Testing "isn't perfect yet, by any means" but we are "going strongly in the right direction"; Fauci: We now are seeing things that weren't noticed in the first big explosion of cases;  Smaller labs, hospitals report critical shortage of testing supplies, as Trump touts testing capabilities to reopen the country; Trump touts success of small business loan program as more technical problems plague second round; L.A. Lakers repay $4.6M loan intended for small businesses; E.R. doctor commits suicide after treating & contracting virus;  via Knit