Our Strange Skies

20 - The Travis Walton Incident



As above, so below. It’s a phrase that traces itself to the founding of Hermeticism. Those words can be found on the Emerald Tablet, a document that purportedly reveals the secrets of how to make the philosopher’s stone. As above, so below is a phrase that has carried on through generations. It’s found in the Bible, it’s an element in the hit series, Hellier, and in 1975 terror would come from both places. During the Summer, people would fear the water due to the theatrical release of the first ever Summer Blockbuster, Jaws. But in November of that year, 22 year old Travis Walton would encounter a UFO near a slash pile in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. The craft emitted a blue beam of light that lifted Travis off the ground and threw him back about ten feet. That was the last time his coworkers would see him for the next five days. What ensued was a large manhunt, and one of the best investigated UFO cases of all time. In this episode we delve into the timeline of the Travis Walton abductio