

“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.” ―James Cook High performers challenge their limiting beliefs.  They know that moving beyond our limiting beliefs is a critical first step in our success. We attract more of what we need in our life. Every day, they are working to believe in their potential. This Week’s Power Phrase: “I challenge my limiting beliefs! I choose empowering beliefs to keep me excited and passion about my life, work and sport.” Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Speaker and Author. She provide mental training for the Minnesota Vikings along with many other championships teams. Cindra speaks to and works with CEOs, businesses and organizations on how to gain the high performance edge while providing practical strategies that work. Her clients range from Verizon Wireless to Mayo Clinic Health System. Cindra's first book: Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge was publi